Monday, December 8, 2008

King Birthday Celebration at Cultural Center

The Celebration of the 81st Birthday Anniversary of

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej

The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Chicago


At the Chicago Cultural Center,
Preston Bradley Hall
78 East Washington Street, Chicago, IL, 60602

เมื่อวันที่ 8 ธันวาคม 2551 สถานกงสุลใหญ่ ณ นครชิคาโก ได้จัดงานเลี้ยงรับรอง เนื่องในวโรกาสวันคล้ายวันเฉลิมพระชนมพรรษา พระบาทสมเด็จพระเจ้าอยู่หัว วันที่ 5 ธันวาคม 2551 โดยได้เชิญบุคคลสำคัญของสหรัฐฯ คณะกงสุลต่างประเทศ พ่อค้า นักธุรกิจ และสื่อมวลชน มาร่วมงาน

Thai Classical Dance

Thai Traditional Music

Greeting at the entrance

ประชาชนชาวไทย ลงชื่อถวายพระพร

Staffs from Star of Siam and Khun Eddie
at the buffet table

The grand buffet

The Photo Album

The celebration began with the singing of National Anthem

Bonus picture - 12/12/08
Full Moon

Dec 12,2008 Moon was the closest to earth in 20 years!!!

And I got the shot...from my bedroom window!!!

Full moon over the lake

On Friday, December 12, the world witnessed the brightest full moon ever. The moon was about 30 percent brighter and 14 percent larger than the other full moons seen in the year 2008.

This phenomenon is because the moon is much closer to the earth than usual, on its egg-shaped circle around the earth. When it get closer to the earth it is perigee and when farthest from earth it is apogee. The two points occur once every year , but the moon's exact distance varies over the years.

"While high tides happen each month when the sun, Earth, and the moon are aligned, there is going to be an enhanced effect, with the moon being the closest it's been in more than a decade," said Ben Burress, staff astronomer at the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, California.

"This would result in extra-large tides in regions that are susceptible to them, like Nova Scotia's Bay of Fundy," he added. The moon will appear larger today due to its closeness to the earth and will be most noticeable as it rises above the horizon at sunset. That's when an optical illusion usually comes into play that makes the full moon seem larger, set against familiar Earthly objects, than when it's higher in the empty sky.

Thank you to all the viewers for your support.
Last week we had almost 3,000 hits in 7 days!!!

Weekly Stats Report: 8 Dec - 14 Dec 2008

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Avg
Pageloads 356 356 510 382 593 275 352 2,824 403
Unique Visitors 223 174 268 237 309 169 240 1,620 231
First Time Visitors 169 127 163 158 203 121 199 1,140 163
Returning Visitors 54 47 105 79 106 48 41 480 69

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amie,

    Thank you for email me not only very nice pictures but also very good knowledge. I like it. Keep up.



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