To the high school & college graduates of 2008: Congratulations!
You've made it through some of the most challenging years of your life & proven yourselves to be able to overcome the obstacles presented to you as you become independent. Your future lies ahead of you with different paths for you to choose. We are sure that whichever path you decide to take that your experiences & memories will remain with you forever as you strive to make this world a better place. A special thanks goes out to all the parents, friends & relatives that helped to make this memorable evening possible. Congrats again to the graduates & good luck as you begin your new journey out into the world.
Peace & love,
Opal Boonpitak & Dana Vattanavanitkul
& Presents the Graduates of 2008
Darin "Bo" Chokdee
Parents: Manat & Klinsukont Chokdee
Graduating from: University of Winsconsin - Madison
Future plans: B.S. Biochemistry & B.S. Microbiology
Goals: I hope to engage in a successful & promising career that will enable me to make a profound difference in other people's lives.
Quote: Live life without regrets
Titaya "Janny" Purananda
Parents: Komane Purananda & Sumalee Buparat
Graduating from: Amundsen High School
Future plans: University of Illinois at Chicago; Liberal Arts & Science
Quote: Living in dreams of yesterday, we find ourselves still dreaming of impossible future conquests.
Pinya Surin
Parents: Suchart & Ura Surin
Graduating from: Morton West High School
Future plans: Art Institute in Chicago; Culinary Management
Goals: To be a successful chef in a good hotel & eventually open up my own restaurant around the country.
Quotes: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Yanin Vongkancom
Parents: Alongkot & Praneet Vongkancom
Graduating from: New Trier High School
Future plans: University of Michigan; Pharmacy & Spanish
Goals: Hopefully, I will be able to study aboard in Spain during my time in college to be able to capitalize on the opportunities made available for me then. Becoming a pharmacist would be a fulfillment of a huge goal of mine, but working in any department related to medicine & science would be amazing.
Quote: If you're not living life on the edge, you're taking up too much space.
Supida "Jennie" Monaikul
Parents: Nate & Noi Monaikul
Graduating from: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Future plans & goals: In the fall, I am starting graduate school in neuroscience on a fellowship (which provides a continuous source of funding - like a stipend & a scholarship put together) at th University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The PhD program takes 5-6 years to complete. As a graduate student I plan to research the dopamine system & its degeneration. After I receive my PhD, I will use this background to continue research on Parkinson's Disease. In my family's restaurant I have seen all too many people suffer from this debilitating illness, so I will devote myself to researching this disease. All my life, I've hoped to pursue a career that is fulfilling & that makes me happy; this is it.
Quote: Just sit awhile & think...never be afraid to sit awhile & thing.
Pasinee Ploy Bhavilai
Parents: Sathaporn & Permsook Bhavilai
Graduating from: Niles North High School
Future plans: University of Illinois at Chicago; Dual Major: International Business & foreign Language
Goals: End of Freshman summer: study aboard in Spain; then study aboard in China; intern at the UN in New York City; become a major interpreter/representative for a corporation; keep my passion for dancing alive
Quote: To accomplish great things, we mush dream as well as act.
Dana Yada Vattanavanitkul
Parents: Surat & Krongkeow Vattanavanitkul
Graduating from: Maine East High School
Future plans: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: East Asian Language & Culture/Graphic Arts
Goals: Besides finding the cure for cancer, I wish to travel the world & learn different languages. I also want to see the Sistine Chapel & explore different forms of art from many different countries.
Quote: I don't want to say things such as "I want to go back to how things were before". I recognize who I am now, & I will continue to live on.
Peter Samak Paramadilok
Parents: Prapan Paramadilok
Graduating from: Northside College Preparatoy High School
Future plans: University of Illinois at Chicago; Accounting
Goals: Learn & work hard to go on to graduate school
Quote: Push it past the limits
Nongtipa Limson
Parents: James & Jenny Limson
Graduating from: Northside College Preparatory High School
Future plans: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign; Graphic Design &Foreign Language
Goal: To travel all over the world
Quote: Each year, we grow more branches & show more leaves, but our trunks remain unchanged. Who we are fundamentally is always there.
Sililuck Omsin Amnueypol
Parent: Manee Omsin
Graduating from: CICS Northtown Academy
Future plans: University of Illinois at Springfield; History & Education
Goal: To be happy with whatever path I choose
Quote: Live, laugh & learn. That's the best way to enjoy life.
Michael Maytee "Art" Punmit
Parents: Opart & Mookda Punmit
Graduating from: New Teier High School
Future plans: Oakton; Depaul; Business/Marketing
Goals: My future goals are to continue my parents restaurant business as well as opening up a business of my own.
Quote: It's never too late to start
Sira Sasitorn
Parents: Narong & Chantana Sasitorn
Graduating from: New Trier High School
Future Plans: Northern Illinois University; Business
Goals: To graduate from college & to make the best out of it, & also to be ready for the real world
Quotes: You get what you give
Parents: Narong & Chantana Sasitorn
Graduating from: New Trier High School
Future Plans: Northern Illinois University; Business
Goals: To graduate from college & to make the best out of it, & also to be ready for the real world
Quotes: You get what you give
Adsadej Marty Glanboot
Parents: Kamonsonti & Sutthana Glanboot
Graduating from: Lyons Township High School
Future plans: Purdue University; Engineering
Goals: Become an engineer
Quote: Make everyday perfect
Other Graduates
Kris Nikrodhanond
Parents: Vattanachai & Sourvaluck Nikrodhanond
Graduating from: Harold L. Richard High School
Future plans: University of Illinois at Chicago; Architecture & Medical School
Goals: I want to move back to Thailand. I want to improve Thailand & people's lives (give people medical care & treatment, homes, and may be houses for those who are homeless).
Quote: Do the best I can today for a better tomorrow
Nancy Intapura
Parents: Rochana & Wallop Intapura
Graduating from: New Trier High School
Future plans: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign; Pre-Med & Psychology
Goals: I aspire to become a pediatrician one day. I think I'd like to go to medical school in Los Angeles, but things can always change. I'd love to travel the world & experience different cultures, too. These are my goals for today & though they may change, I just hope I'll continue to be happy & feel fulfilled.
Guote: Hakuna Mataa: it means no worries for th rest of your days.
Donna "Kanya" Worrasangasila
Parents: Wiroj & Nilubon Worrasangasilpa
Graduating from: Downers Grove South
Future plans: University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
Quote: The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
Kanyada Vattanavanitkul
Parents: Somsak & Nualanong Suvittayasiri
Graduating from: Main East High School
Future plans: Oakton Community College
Goals: Transfer to University for sophomore year
Quote: Eat a lot. Live large.
Opal Chutatip Boonpitak
Parens: Pitak & Suruchi Boonpitak
Graduating from: Lyons Township High School
Future plans: University of Illinois at Chicago; Pharmacy
Goals: To experience life to its fullest...with my shoes off
Quotes: Get busy living, or get busy dying. Life is too shot, so love the one you got.
Ninna Damrongsan
Parents: Wanchai & Sutin Damrongson
Graduating from: Marquette University
Degree: Doctor of Physical Therapy
Future plans: Staff position as a physical therapist at George Washington University Hospital
Goals: To gain work experience in Washington DC & then move back near my family & work as a physical therapist in Chicago
Quote: It is in vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquility: they must have action; they will make it if they cannot find it.
Sean Kreymborg
Parents: James & Welta Kreymborg
Graduating from: University of Illinois at Chicago
Degree: Marketing
Future plans: To pursue a career in sales management in Dean Foods
Quote: I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
Patama "Patti" Suksuras
Parents: Suwech & Pramaunsri Suksuras
Graduating form: University of Illinois at Chicago
Major: Communications
Goals: Graduate School for Human Nutrition & find a cure for cancer
Quote: Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
Melissa Suvanaumpai
Parents: Pravait & Parntip Suvanaumpai
Graduating from: Illinois State University
Goals: Currently working in Orlando, FL at Walt Disney World in Entertainment as a part of the College Program. When my program ends in August I hope to stay with the company & pursue a career in Television Production.
Quote: When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; & that is the secret of his popularity.
Minkkwan Wungwattana
Parents: Wiwat & Somjai Wungwattana
Graduating from: Purdue University
Major: Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences
Concentration: Pre-Medicine
Goals: Attend Indiana University School of Medicine in August 2008; looking forward to getting my M.D. degree & becoming the first physician in the family.
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